2022 is here! Did you make your New Year’s resolutions? What is a better new year’s resolution than to learn more Chinese? 

Learning a new language can be really tough. However when you add some music to it, things get so much more fun. Here are four songs to help you learn Chinese.

  1. 1 恋人未满 (Liàn rén wèi mǎn) by S.H.E.

    This song describes the push and pull tension between two people. 恋人未满 (liàn rén wèi mǎn) is the phase in a relationship when two people are more than friends but not yet lovers.  

    This song puts to words what it feels like to be in that situation. For example, two phrases “甜蜜心烦” (Tián mì xīn fán) and “愉悦混乱” (Yú yuè hǔn luàn) are in the lyrics. Both mean “happy yet confused.” 

    Not only can you learn descriptive words and phrases, you also learn internet slang. For instance “放电“ (fàng diàn) literally means “electrical discharge.” However when used correctly, it means to entice and flirt. 

    Overall, this is an easy song to follow with a lovely happy melody. 

  2. 2 他不懂 (Tā bù dǒng) by Jason Zhang

    This is definitely a song to listen to when you are feeling down and hurt. “他不懂” (tā bù dǒng) means “he doesn’t understand” (and yes, it is specifically “he”). 

    When you fully understand the lyrics, it feels as if the singer is speaking directly to you and he understands your pain. 

    Because it is a sad song, there are many adjectives, verbs and idioms. For example, “动听” (dòng tīng) means “pleasant to listen to”; “冷静” (jiǎ zhuāng) means “calm”; and “只字不提” (zhī zì bù tí) means to not mention at all. 

    This song is simple yet you can learn so much from it. 

  3. 3 有点甜 (Yǒu diǎn tián) by Silence Wang

    This is a very sweet duet. After listening to this song, you just want to fall in love. 

    The song title “有点甜” (yǒu diǎn tián) means “something sweet.” It is a part of the original soundtrack for the Chinese drama “Love O2O.” You should definitely give the C-drama a try if you like the song. It is just as sweet. 

    In this song, you can learn many nouns, verbs and adjectives. For example, “米开朗基罗” (Mǐ kāi lǎng jī luō) is the Chinese translation for Michelangelo. “愈合” (yù hé) means “to heal” and “坚定” (jiān dìng) means “firm.” 

    This is definitely a perfect song to sing during karaoke.

  4. 4 超能力 (Chāo néng lì) by G.E.M.

    超能力 (Chāo néng lì), which means “super power,” is very different from the three songs mentioned above. It is a break up song yet the melody is not sad at all. In fact, it can definitely get you up and moving. 

    The beat, especially at the chorus, is fantastic. The part where it goes “biu biu biu” micmicking the sound of space shooters will get stuck in your head.  

    Not only is this song enjoyable, but there are also many adjectives you can learn. For example “单纯” (dān chún) means “innocent”; “愚蠢” (yú chǔn) means “foolish”; “漂亮” (piào liang) means “beautiful”; and “不可思议” (bù kě sī yì) means “unfathomable.” 

    This song also pays tribute to “Sailor Moon” by saying the famous phrase “代替月亮消灭你” (Dài tì yuè liàng xiāo miè nǐ), meaning to represent the moon to destroy you. This is a fun song to listen to and learn from. 

    What are some of your favorite Chinese songs? Let us know in the comments below. 

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Amie Lin

Amie Lin is currently attending Hunter College double majoring in Mandarin and Media Studies. She is such a foodie and loves Chinese dramas.
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