Listening practice can be the hardest thing to achieve when self-studying a language. Finding resources and understanding what you are hearing are often obstacles you face.

In this case, listening to the radio in the target language can be beneficial. 

Radio hosts speak clearly, so you can easily understand words and tones. Stations can expose you to new music, different dialects and expanded vocabulary. 

Today, listening to the radio is easy, as many websites and apps offer several radio stations. 

Here is a list of good radio stations to help you study!

  1. 1 Chinese Radio International (CRI) News Radio

    Newspaper on Table

    CRI News Radio covers international news and important issues with well-researched stories. The station is from Mainland China and runs for 24 hours each day. 

    The station's official website offers some extra podcasts. For example, one podcast you can listen to is “Classical Saturday,” about Chinese classical music. 

    The website also has a section for learning Chinese and offers the program's schedule. 

    You can also access the station on TingFM and TuneIn.

  2. 2 Radio Taiwan International (RTI)

    MicrophoneRTI is a broadcasting station that offers a large variety of channels. You can find programs for politics, technology, culture and more. 

    The station is based in Taiwan, so the hosts' accents might differ from those of Mainland China. 

    The station's official website offers many programs, videos and podcasts for listeners to enjoy. One program you can listen to is “生活杂志 (shēnghuó zázhì)” or “Life Magazine,” which talks about current events in Taiwan. 

    You can also listen to some of the channels on TuneIn

  3. 3 Shanghai Media Group (SMG)

    Coffee with NewspapersSMG is a media group that is the owner of multiple radio stations. Two notable stations for learners are 101.7 FM Popular Music and 93.4 FM Shanghai News Radio. 

    The Popular Music station can expose you new songs and cultural tidbits. 

    Shanghai News Radio is one of China's most popular radio stations. The station offers morning news, sports news and call-in shows. 

    You can access Popular Music on Ximalaya and Shanghai News Radio on TuneIn

  4. 4 The Voice of China

    NewspapersThe Voice of China is a flagship channel of China National Radio (CNR) that provides commentaries for listeners. 

    On the channel, the hosts focus on news and politics. It runs for 24 hours each day.

    You can access The Voice of China on TuneIn.

    Now that you know some new ways to practice listening, why don’t you challenge yourself to see how many words you can recognize?

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Jordan Heller

Jordan Heller is a senior at Texas State University, studying International Studies with a Chinese minor. She enjoys learning about Chinese culture and languages.
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